[Gvsig_english] About CRS extension...

Antonio Falciano afalciano at yahoo.it
Wed Mar 7 11:14:21 CET 2007

Hi All,
it's my first post on this list.
I tried gvSIG 1.0.1 with CRS plugin on Windows XP SP2 and Ubuntu Dapper
and I think that it's really a promising GIS client!
About CRS extension, I report some observations:
- EPSG transformations are not all supported. In this case, I use EPSG parameters
  in "manual transformations" mode and gvSIG works fine, but...
- if I open a project, in which I've used manual transformation, the "transformed" layer
  is projected "on the fly" using a default transformation and not the before defined one.
- Finally, the Coordinate Reference System is not reported in Layer Properties and so
  I don't remember in which CRS a layer is projected or which datum transformation
  I used before.
Any suggestions?

Best regards,
Antonio Falciano

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