[Gvsig_english] Build numbers

Manuel Madrid madrid_man at gva.es
Thu Nov 20 14:07:50 CET 2008

Hi Sindile.

The build number is the identifier of a gvSIG distribution. One version 
has usually a lot of distributions along its development, sometimes with 
a few changes between them. We name each distribution with a different 
build number.

So, the upper is the build number, the more recent is the ditribution. 
The exception are the 1999 and 2000 builds that really correspond to a 
refactoring version. So if you want to test the latests developments I 
recomend you to install the build number 1220.

Hope it helps.

Intengu Technologies escribió:
> Can someone please explain what the build number mean
> https://gvsig.org/web/projects/gvsig-desktop/devel/gvsig-2_0/gvsig-2_0_0/
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Manuel Madrid.
Proyecto gvSIG (http://www.gvsig.gva.es)
Asistencia Técnica Externa.
Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport.
Generalitat Valenciana.
Valencia (Spain).

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