[Gvsig_english] Access to developing versions of gvSIG

comunicacion_gvsig at gva.es comunicacion_gvsig at gva.es
Wed Oct 8 09:35:30 CEST 2008

Dear Users,

This is to inform you the gvSIG project has created a repository that  
will allow access to all the builds that it generates.

Within the developing phases of gvSIG, prior to the published versions  
in the official web of the project, there are builds being generated.  
The builds are used internally to test new features, they are  
extremely unstable and do not have the entire features of the program.  
Certain builds could end up being official versions. Allowing users  
free access to the builds will let them test the new features in which  
the developing team is working at the moment and evaluate the  
development state.

The URL to access the builds is:

If you are interested to see the latest features of gvSIG that are  
being developed, you can download the last build of the "trunk"  
version (branch 12xx) called "1211".  In this build you will have  
access to new tools for the raster, remote sensing, advance symbology,  

On the other hand, the application is being restructured in a way that  
it will allow in the future to improve the actual stability of the  
program as well as offering an API easier to be developed.  These  
builds are included in the "20xx" series.

We hope this initiative contribute to the understanding of the gvSIG  
project by the community as well as facilitate the collaboration with  
voluntary testers.

News Office
gvSIG project
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport

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