[Gvsig_english] GVSIG - Display lot of Rasters opening a single light file

Kristell DEVER Kristell.DEVER at developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Thu Oct 16 16:30:35 CEST 2008


I'm a new user of GvSig and I have a small problem. 
I have a lot of rasters (more than 500) and I would like to open a single file which call my rasters. 
I cannot merge all rasters together because it makes a very very big file.

I would like to make a "tuilage" (tile?), is it possible to create a shapefile which would call my rasters? 
When i use gdaltindex from FWtOOLS, it doesn't work in GvSIG.
Someone could help me please?
Thanks a lot.

Kristell DEVER
Chargée de Projet
Assistance à Maîtrise d'Ouvrage pour l'élaboration de la BD Carthage de Guyane  
AgroParisTech - ENGREF 
DIREN Guyane
33, rue Félix Eboué - B.P. 380 - 97328 CAYENNE cedex
tél.: 0594 29 66 55 - fax : 0594 37 89 81 - mél : kristell.dever at developpement-durable.gouv.fr 

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