[Gvsig_english] The Printing Issue: The "definitive" wish and development list ; )

Wolfgang Qual wolfgang.qual at gmx.net
Sat Oct 25 13:59:08 CEST 2008

Hi Marcel and all others,
I do not want to appear formalistic, but wouldn't it be cool, if we
could keep that structured list? Ok. I will inlcude your wishes and the
ones of Silvio

Am Freitag, den 24.10.2008, 21:24 -0400 schrieb Marcel St-Germain:
> Hi all,
> So for printing, Wolfgang you include graticule but... we included  
> many in the same maps.  Like utm, dd-mm-ss and for some maps, also  
> cell to place and index so, we have to be able to ajust the size and  
> the position of these to make a nice print of each of them on top of  
> the other.
Currently, I do not even use graticules. I just read this on the list -
so I added it as a wish. Will add the multi-graticule wish to the list
> Also, since some font are copyright and can't be include, the  
> hability, like in arcmap to convert them to vector shoud be include.
Hum. Ok. will add it
> For the rotation of the arrow, it shoul be link to the view rotation  
> so,if the view is rotate, when selecting an arrow, it show the right  
> direction.  Maybe the hability to have also a magnetic arrow where we  
> can manualy indicate the deviation could be a plus.
currently, maps are north is always "up", I think. 

1) Printing bugs
1.1) wms-layer is not exported when printing to pdf
1.2) printing size of labels different from size of labels in view /
1.3) labels are not drawn on the map (Rory Hill, 6.6.08)
1.4) transformed labels of annotation layer are not drawn (6.6.08,
1.5) printing to ps/pdf (large map) resulted in a uncomplete ps/pdf-file
- even with quite some memory (25.7. Wolfgang Q)
1.6) North arrows (svg) loose quality when map is exported to pdf
1.6.1) "Magnetic" North Arrow which is linked to View. User should be
enabled to rotate view (Marcel, 25.10)
1.7) all fonts should be embedded into ps/pdf-file (are they???)
1.8) elements of map are deleted when typing in name of output
(Wolfgang, 16.10) -- known bug. When will it be resolved?
1.9) background colour in view (defined in preferences) is lost when
exporting map to ps/pdf (Silvio, 24.10)

2) Development of printing module
2.1) Possibility to create printfiles ready for professional printing
2.2) Possibility to export to eps-format with different resolution (300,
2.3) Export map to image format
2.3.1) tiff (best quality, compression yes/no
2.3.1) jpg, png
2.4) export map to vector format
2.4.1) svg
2.5) allow export of components of the map (not only the whole layout)
2.6) add functionality to add graticules and coordinates around the map
(like in grass, gmt?)
2.6.1) Possibility to add multiple graticules to map (layout) - (Marcel,
2.7) Possiblility to draw lines with arrow-peaks (Silvio, 24.10) comment
Wolfgang: this should go into another section: symbology!
2.8) shortcuts for tools in Map- and View- Mode. Possibility to add
custom shortcuts (silvio)
2.9) add custom svg-symbols to symbol-library (the new one; @silvio: I
have found a page with svg(?)-symbols for trees etc. Is it from you? -->
http://www.gfoss.it/drupal/simboli ???)	

3) What we have to test:
3.1) try to load eps-files (big ones) into
3.1.1) scribus
3.1.2) sk1
3.2) test svg-import in scribus, check known issues
and make printfile (pdf/x-3) out of it. Report your findings to the
(stability of DTP program, is it an alternative to 2.1?)
3.3) import ps/pdf-files into scribus and report known issues (labels
outlines were not drawn in my case, import took very long)
3.4) clearify colour profile issue with ps/pdf - is colour profile
needed for ps/pdf export
3.5) alternatives to sk1/scribus for converting eps/ps to pdf/x-3 etc. 
("professional printout file"): pdf-edit??? (silvio grosso, 15.10)
3.6) alternatives to scribus/sk1 for final map layout:
3.6.1) inkscape (but how to handle fact, that file can only be exported
png-file), plus: svg seems not to be accepted in the professional
(Marcel, 15.10.)
     what about colour definition and svg?
3.6.2) GIMP (but where to export to: ps, eps, ...)
3.7) Test new symbology of coming gvSIG 2.0: which issues remain? Which
can be 
done even better (please keep on testing devel-version)
3.8) check svg-import in software like scribus and export that to
printout file (pdf). issues?

Best, Wolfgang

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