[Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.1.2 & Sextante: Using the Modeler with PostGIS-layers

Johannes Valenta spatialjoe at googlemail.com
Mon Aug 3 11:55:53 CEST 2009

Dear list,

I am using gvSIG 1.1.2 and Sextante 0.3 (I guess) and I want to set up a
workflow using the modeler, but I am already failing on the very basic first
two steps:

I would like to buffer a linestring-layer from a PostGIS-DB and then
filter another linestring layer from the same DB by using the generated
buffer (in PostGIS this would be done with ST_COVER for example)

How can I operationalize these two steps in the modeler?
Right now I can't even access the PostGIS-Layer within the modeler (with
vector layers it's only accepting shp).

Any ideas /hints?


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