[Gvsig_english] gvSIG (build 1225): some bugs and wishes.

Javier Galán galan_javsan at gva.es
Tue Feb 10 09:23:25 CET 2009

Hello Wolfgang,

Thanks for your contribution, we'll take note.


Wolfgang Qual wrote:
> Hi list,
> I also discovered some bugs in the current version. 
> As they already appeared in the builds before, I would like to list them here:
> 1) Displaying data
> * selected polygons with no fill-colour, are not highlighted in yellow. This is, however, the case in the stable version and is very important for the user.
> * Using the scale-textfield will result in a "different" displayed area of the map (the map disappears and the user has to use "zoom to layer" or "back to last extent" in order to get the map displayed. --> scale-textfield is not usable at the moment.
> 2) Adding layers
> * currently, it is not possible to add an oracle-spatial layer using the geoBD-extension. Connection can be defined in "Gestor ....", but when trying to add a layer, an error message appears (Plugin service: Error grave de la aplication...."
> * WMS-layers could not be added in 1225 in my case (appeared in the legend, but did not in the view).
> 3) opening projects
> * if an existing project is opened, layers are all set to mode "not visible". As reported earlier by another user, layers get labeled, although that was not defined before. If the project contains larger shapefiles this can be a big problem (as the rendering of the labels takes quite some time)...
> 4) Editing layers
> * I tried to modify the attributes of a layer that contained only one element. This was nearly impossible: during editing the table, the new value in the table did not appear. Only when finishing the edit mode, changes got visible in the table. This did not happed if the layer contains more than one element.
> * The new merge-tool is great. However, it happens every now and then that the former border of two polygons (that was removed during merge operation) is still visible as a very thin line. Should not be the case. Or am I wrong??
> 5) labeling layers
> * using the "individual labelin"-tool: 
>   + using "redo" to remove a new label will cause an error message to appear (use error....")
>   + typing in a value for "font rotate" > 0 will create a label that is too far away from the labeling point. This distance is variable depending to the value for "font rotate" is bigger. This is a problem, as it is not possible to minimize that distance.
> 6) Map (Layout)
> * It was not possible to create a pdf-output. Error message ("Error grave de la application....), pdf created that cannot be opened.
> * I failed in creating a template for the map layout. Error message: error grave de la aplication.
> 1) Displaying data
> * layers should not be activated automatically when added to the view. This could save quite some time.
> * layers should get different colour when loaded into the view. Now, all layers are drawn in blue. Would save some time for a first glance (because currently, the user has to alter the colour of the layers before, in order to separate them visually).
> 2) labeling
> * user defined labels - this function is really great. Sometimes - especially if the layer is a little bit bigger - it takes too long for the labels to be drawn. It would be great, if that could be made faster. Currently, it is a little bit annoying to see that the labels seem to be recalculated every time the extent of the map has been changed (by zooming in, dragging etc.). Possible?
> * Filter expressions in the layers properties should also have an effect on displayed labels. Currently, this is not possible.
> 3) Layout (Map)
> * It would be nice to have an option to keep the aspect ratio of inserted images (or other objects) when scaling them...
> 4) Symbols
> * It would be cool, if there where some colour schemes available with some more "pastose" colours. Is it possible to add custom colour schemes (unique values). Applying the current ones additionally produces often very similar colours for different values. Could this be changed?
> * As proposed by Ben, I would really appreciate, if there was a possibility to display charts (pie-, barcharts) also.
> I hope that this is a little bit useful for you. Your're doing a great job!
> Best && have a nice weekend.
> Wolfgang

Javier Galán Sánchez
Proyecto gvSIG
Consellería de Infraestructuras y Transportes (GVA)
Valencia (España)

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