[Gvsig_english] Configuration for desktop during creation of shapefiles

Simon Cropper (Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd) scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au
Thu Nov 19 02:57:06 CET 2009

Hi Guys,

My name is Simon and I am new to this list. I hope that my posting is
appropriately formatted and has been sent to the right place.

I am a new user but experienced in using GIS software (ArcView,
OpenJUMP, JUMP, Kosmos, Quantum).

I am using the latest stable release (version 1.9).

I am trying to create a shapefile using ECW files as background. I find
however that the polygons when selected become opaque despite settings
in the preferences. I am keen to get the polygon being edited to be
transparent so I can add and adjust the position of  a particular vertex
using the imagery as a guide.

Cheers Simon

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