[Gvsig_english] gvSIG is a viable robust alternative to commercially available GIS packages

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Nov 26 18:13:02 CET 2009

pvmstg hotmail pop wrote:
> I Mija,
> So, if I understand correctly, by choosing java instead of Qt, 
> developpers take a dead end for portability.  Also, if it's take 
> ressource the poject doesn't have that mean not expect mac support in 
> the future? 


I hate get in the middle of something here, but I read Jorge's email as
saying that it is the JNI calls out to C++ components - presumably things
like the ECW SDK and GDAL - that require significant efforts on each platform
and that the gvSIG team hasn't got the manpower to address that on the Mac at
this time.

The "problem" seems to be that gvSIG has committed to having all the key
formats and technologies that end users want despite the challenges this

I would think that producing gvSIG ports on the Mac would be an excellent
challenge for the gvSIG Mac user community!  It isn't insurmountable - it
just takes some savvy, and commitment.

In my humble opinion the broad gvSIG user community benefits hugely from the
work of the gvSIG core team and it's sponsors without for the most part having
to give much back.  This is an opportunity for a part of the community to
"pay it's own way" with sweat equity.  Alternatively to pay someone who could
do this.

 > Just be clear about it please.  If it will be available on stable
 > release it's ok.  If mac support is drop, said so.  Others gis java
 > base, less promising thant gv_sig have not these problem so we have to
 > look elsewere.

I would stress that most other Java GIS environments try to avoid non-Java
dependencies in order to keep porting simple.  gvSIG has gone out of their
way to take risks on behalf of the users - something I quite admire in the
project.  It is a trade-off.

I think it is a red herring to put this on the choice of Java over C++/Qt.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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