[Gvsig_english] Histogram tool for raster layer

Nicolas DEVAUX devaux at supagro.inra.fr
Tue Jan 26 17:26:11 CET 2010

GvSIG 1.9
Ubuntu 9.10

I'm exploring raster tools add with raster pilot.
I'm calculating histogram on DEM raster. I used the "create table 
option" which export histogram informations in a two columns table --> 
first column = value, second one = frequency.
When I open the table, I a little bit disappointed because the value 
column gives me the rank of the value and not the real raster value. Do 
you have any idea on how to get real pixel value instead of rank ?


ATTENTION nouvelle adresse mail
    devaux at supagro.inra.fr

Nicolas DEVAUX
Laboratoire d'étude des Interactions entre Sol, Agrosystème et Hydrosystème
Bat. 24
place Viala
34060 Montpellier cedex 1
tél : +33 0(4) 99 61 25 45
fax: +33 0(4) 67 63 26 14
email: devaux at supagro.inra.fr

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