[Gvsig_english] Menu refactoring (was Re: gvSIG 1.9.1)

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at gvsig.com
Tue Mar 30 16:50:05 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 29/03/10 15:48, Benjamin Ducke wrote:
> Yes, of course!
> As I proposed before, a good compromise may be for
> me to first feed all my changes that relate to bug fixes into SVN. Those
> are not too many and they are well tested (by me, at least).
> Then there is a much bigger set of changes that relate to GUI changes
> and other "matters of taste" (e.g. a large patch to unify filetype
> names in all gvSIG file selector windows, some additional items for
> the context menu, etc.). 
> How about you merge these (they really don't affect that much code and are 
> completely documented) yourself if you like them? That would leave me with 
> some time for additional bug fixing.
> As regards the changes in menu structure (you know, all those config.xml)
> files: those can be regarded a form of "skinning". We will provide them
> in a separate download archive on oadigital.net. Then people can install
> them seperately on top of any version of gvSIG they like.


We're not going to accept to change the GUI menus for 1.9.1, as we
said, because we have an usability work on gvSIG GUI planned for 2.0
or the next release.

BUT, as you say, we can help you to create and extension to implement
those changes, in order to avoid to "fork" or change official gvSIG
code but maintaining the functionality you want to add for your

This is the typical approach we seek to maximize modularity: "if you
want to change something and gvSIG is not extensible in that way, we
will try to add the mechanisms in gvSIG that enable modularity on your
needs to let you override the default gvSIG behaviour".

Technically speaking there's a mechanism called ExclusiveUIExtension
to let one extension to decide how the other behave. The documentation
is in Spanish[1] but we can help you on the process and eventually
translate it.

This approach requires some coding and more work than just paste all
the config.xml files, but we think is a more sustainable way to
interact with the GUI.

So, don't hesitate to ask for help if you think it's worth.



> Best,
> Ben
- -- 
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
gvSIG Team
Technical Steering Committee Manager
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