[Gvsig_english] gvsig-extensions for 1.10

Manuel Madrid mmadrid at gvsig.com
Thu Nov 11 12:53:57 CET 2010

Dear Wolfgang,

Not so far (officially). Nevertheless the changes made on gvSIG 1.10 
shouldn't affect these extensions so we expect them to work in gvSIG 
1.10 similar than in gvSIG 1.9.

Maybe some user did it.


El 11/11/10 12:19, Wolfgang Qual escribió:
> Dear Manuel, all others
> first of all: thank you very much for the answer. Both extensions are marked
> as "unstable" - but
> did anyone test them with gvSIG 1.10 - any known problems?
> Best,
> Wolfgang

Manuel Madrid.
Product and testing manager.
gvSIG project (http://www.gvsig.org).

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