[Gvsig_english] gvSIG Mobile source, eclipse install + compare SVN <-> ZIP

Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio jldominguez at prodevelop.es
Wed Oct 20 11:10:14 CEST 2010

The workspace must look like the content of the zip file. In the SVN repository, folders are not all in the same folder, so when you do the checkout you have to select this and that keeping the CTRL key pressed for multi-selection. The folder libInternationalization is missing in the zip file, I don't know why. If you want to change its code, you'll have to do a checkout of it. If you don't want to change it's code, you can simply add the file \resources\jars\gvsig-i18n.jar wherever you need it.
(1) It should say use "JDK 1.4 or higher", so 1.6 is OK too, though in some cases you might need to change a certain line of code in libFMap (Curve.crossingForPoints(...), I think we have already commented this?)
(2) Compliance level must be set to 1.4 if you are building the binaries for a ARM device (PDA, smartphone, etc). If you target a x86 device (laptop, desktop, etc) then this is unimportant.
(3) Oko, yes, that's just a kind og 'refresh'
(4) Frankly, I don't know why this step is here. I don't think you need to do that.
(5) Clean deletes all .class files from the bin folders (Eclipse hides these to the user). In theory this should not be needed if you activate "Project - Build automatically" in the Eclipse menu, but it's better to explicitly delete them because sometimes Eclipse fails to do so. You can do 'cleaning' from time to time, especially if your are dealing with a lot of compilation errors. Those .class files are the ones that are zipped into the JAR files.
(6) The build.xml in appGvsigMobile creates the binaries (jar files) and copies resource files to the right place. You don't need to do this is you only want to run the app in Eclipse, but you have to do it to create the binaries, also if you are creating binaries to be run on the PC itself (without Eclipse).
(7) The parameter m=J9 looks strange but Ithink it's needed if running on a PC. The parameter l=es will ignore the appsettings file and use Spanish. You can remove it or use l=de aand see what happens.
Windows Mobile Emulator behaves exactly as the device it emulates, so you have to set compliance level to 1.4 in Eclipse, use "Run as > Ant build..." and choose "deploy for J9" or "deploy for phoneme" (depending on the JVM you have in the emulator), then go to the resources\cab folder and create the .cab installer, then copy that installer to the emulator and execute it. In the emulator settings there is an option to share a folder, which means that the selected folder in your PC will be seen as a "SD card" from the emulator.
Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/> 


De: gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es en nombre de Schoolmeesters
Enviado el: mar 19/10/2010 18:15
Para: Users and Developers mailing list
Asunto: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG Mobile source,eclipse install + compare SVN <-> ZIP

Dear list and developers,

I've got one fast question (as I am still not completely familar with the whole source code respectevely with the steps to set up the source code) 

There is a difference between the folders of the source code which can be downloaded from SVN (http://subversion.gvsig.org/gvSIG-mobile/pilots/branches/pilot2) and in the ZIP (http://forge.osor.eu/frs/download.php/1041/gvSIG_Mobile_Pilot-0.3-src.zip)

The libraries differ and I just want to know why, especially because the INSTALL.txt still says:

		Checkout as different projects the following folders from the pilot2 branch:

			 - appGvsigMobile
			 - boot
			 - customForms
			 - DefaultIcons
			 - deploy_Lin_X86
			 - deploy_Win_X86
			 - deploy_WM5_ARM
			 - deploy_WM5_ARM_RXTX
			 - libFMap
			 - libFmapGpeMobile
			 - libGPE
			 - libInternationalization
			 - libLocation
			 - resources
			 - rxtx
			 - rxtx_gnuio

Would be nice, if anybody could just tell which folders are needed necessarily and which are optionally added or would be replaced after build or something and which are not needed anymore.

Additionally, I would like to know if anybody could explain the INSTALL.txt - some things I already know, with others I am not quite sure:

		1) Set workspace Java VM to j2sdk1.4 compliant VM (Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs).
		does this mean: 
		install JDK 1.4 and choose the folder here? do I need to set up an execution environment? I've installed JDK 1.4 and 1.5, but used 1.6 so far...and the program starts without errors.
		2) Set workspace JDK compliance level to 1.4 (Window->Preferences->Java->Compiler).
		I've set it and use the default compliance settings, right? and did not change any other settings.  but there is still a warning "make sure to have a compatible JRE installed and activated (currently 1.6)" ----> what is the consequence? I would like to use 1.6 if it's possible. 
		I think I've already asked what the compliance is set for and I remember that it is needed by the mobile device, isn't it? But if I am using it on Windows only (RunConfig = Win_X86), do I still need to set it to 1.4?
		3) Build boot project (build.xml->right click->Run As->Ant Build)
		I could use the old one, too, couldn't I? But I've built it and it worked...no problem.
		4) Add generated boot/deploy/boot.jar to the JRE (Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs->Edit->Add External JARs...).
		What will happen if it is missing? Do I need to add it to the JRE or would it be ok to add it to the Java Build Path of the appGvsigMobile project? what's the difference?
		5) Select all projects and clean (Project->Clean).
		That will delete old built files, right? What's the purpose?
		6) Now you should be able to build appGvsigMobile project (build.xml->right click->Run As->Ant Build).
		All files will be created again, right? I've done it so far, and it worked...just would like to know :)
		7) Create a new Run configuration for a Java Application (Run->Run...->Java Application). Select project appGvsigMobile and class Launcher. In the Arguments tab add:
		 - Program arguments: m=J9 s=480x600 l=es p="${workspace_loc}"
		 - VM arguments: -Xmx256M -Djava.library.path=${workspace_loc}/resources/lib/Lin_X86
		My run config is different as I am using Windows...but that's self explaining. Eclipse has to know the start parameters.
		What do I have to do to start it on a Windows Mobile Emulator?
		Change the following values according to your targeted configuration:
		 - m: virtual machine, J9 or PMEA (Phone ME Advance)
		 - s: window size, in pixels, in the example above 480x600
		 - l: language, in the example above spanish (es)
		 - Djava.library.path: should point to the native libraries -.dll or .so files- for your OS, it can be Lin_X86 (Linux), Win_X86 (Windows) or WM5_ARM (Windows Mobile)
		Run this configuration. Done!

Thank you in advance.


Marcel Schoolmeesters

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