[Gvsig_english] Gvsig mini - hi all! contributions / planned features

Alberto Romeu aromeu at prodevelop.es
Thu Jan 27 16:52:01 CET 2011

El 27/01/11 14:43, simon thepot escribió:
> Hi,
> I just began to develop my own application and chose gvSIG mini as it 
> seems robust and promising ; thanks for developping this great 
> application.
> Yet, after having spent several days in the code, I think some 
> refactor may be made (as mentionned in the header's comment in the 
> activity/map.java file).
> - Are you planning to refactor in the month to come ? (I have to build 
> a first version of my software in this delay)
> - Is there a way to contribute to gvSIG mini and possibly see some 
> patch merged upstream ?
> (Troll question: are you planning to move to git ;))
> Otherwise:
> - Do you plan to integrate vector feature import ? (GML etc. ?)
> - Is there an explanation for not using thrid party lib like the 
> Geotools lib for Java ? (eg: for handling projection, geometry etc.)
> Thanks a lot,
> Cheers,
> Simon Thépot aka djcoin
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Hi Simon,

1. I do think some refactor is needed... we are currently in the process 
of releasing a version with offline POI management, so no big refactor 
is going to be done.

2. If you have some patch or bug fix you can e-mail them to me and I 
will merge them into the trunk for the next version. If you plan to 
contribute frequently we can give you write permissions to the SVN (we 
not plan to move to git :P).

3. Regarding vector data I've done some tests (in my spare time) on 
using the gvSIG-GPE library to parse some vector formats (GML, KML, 
GPX...). It would be a nice feature but I guess we would need some 
collaboration as we have limited resources.

4. gvSIG Mini was developed at the beginning for Java capable phones 
(MIDP 2.0 / CLDC), so we couldn't use any third party library as most of 
them were not compatible with J2ME. When we decided port gvSIG Mini to 
Android we took some compatible code from the Java phone's version, so, 
is because of that we have our own geometries and projection model.

Can I ask you what is your application about?



Alberto Romeu

Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68

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