[Gvsig_english] Geoprocess descriptions

ernesto sferlazza e.sferlazza at gmail.com
Wed Jul 13 14:12:23 CEST 2011

Hello developers (and users too).
Since I have begun, as part of a group of volunteers, the rewriting
(or adaptation, not simply a translation) of user manual in italian
language, I have noticed that geoprocess descriptions (we are
translating thei, too) shown in the geoprocess toolbox window are not
updated compared to the changes developed in many geoprocess tools.
For example, the "DISSOLVE" geoprocess now works with  input layers of
any geometric type (points, lines, polygons), whereas in the english
descripion we can find " [...] This geoprocess works with one only
input layer, whose geometry type must be polygon. [...] ". The same
happens in description of all other languages.
Similar things happens with other geoprocesses (for example DIFFERENCE
description, where we can find  " [...] By desing it only work with
polygon layers (input and overlay) [...] ", whereas it actually works
also with other type of geometries.
Such descriptions are good  for older versions of gvSIG, like 1.1, but
not for most recent versions, like 1.11 and need to be updated.
Best regards

ing. Ernesto Sferlazza
responsabile nodo provinciale di Agrigento del SITR Sicilia
resp. gruppo Sistema Informativo Territoriale
Provincia regionale di Agrigento
sede istituzionale: piazza Aldo Moro, 1 - 92100 AGRIGENTO
sede operativa: via Acrone, 27 - 92100 AGRIGENTO
cell. 3392718463 (personale)
       3316874296 (aziendale)
tel. uff 0922593752

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