[Gvsig_english] Query on why gvSIG CE came about

Simon Cropper scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au
Mon Jun 27 10:47:46 CEST 2011

Hi Everyone,

I have recently joined the CE Maillist and posted the following 
question. As it pertains to both this list and that list I am also 
posting it here...

*** POST ***

Why is gvSIG CE here? To me the reason for its creation is unclear.If 
you intend to encourage adoption then the distinction between these 
gvSIG and gvSIG CE needs to be clarified.

The OADE version and the original code was finally remerged creating a 
single code base in 2010 and next thing I see is that the code is split 
into two projects again.

Personally I find it hard to decide where to place my attention / 
allegiances. I have spent over a year getting data and building my 
website to house my tutorials (most of which will be on gvSIG) and now I 
have two separate projects, GUI and communities. Do I stick with the 
original program/community or the new CE one? The same dilemma I had 
when considering creating tutorials for the OADE versus the original 

The same indecision will, no doubt, be in the minds of any new comer 
looking at adopting the software.

As a general observation -- the gvSIG community appears to be 
splintering as various groups try and drag the project in different 

This is in contrast to say the QGIS community that over the last year 
appears to be growing in strength and pooling resources.

Cheers Simon

    Simon Cropper
    Principal Consultant
    Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
    PO Box 160, Sunshine, VIC
    W: www.botanicusaustralia.com.au

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