[Gvsig_english] Call for Mac Community contributors.

Jordi Torres jtorresfabra at gmail.com
Thu May 26 11:00:02 CEST 2011

Hi Jorge, Joaquin, and Manuel:

We've been discussing here Manuel, Joaquín and me and well, we think
> your approach is not the best way to improve the gvSIG code. When one
> needs to do changes or improvements on the code branching should be the
> last resource as you are taking the decision of work aside the rest of
> the developments, aren't you?
> IMHO it is more reasonable to try to improve the current code for
> everyone and maybe do some work to plug your work on a separate
> extension if it's only for the Mac distro.
There are points where I cannot see a way, for example when loading ecw
layers. At this moment we are using Gdal plugin to load this layers. gvSIG
for linux and win uses a shared library present in the code. How would you
face this problem? In the other side the ui changes could be sensible in
other platforms, beacuse it could imply some dialog type changes. I am not
supporting to branch the whole gvSIG, only a few projects, where the code is
sensible to have impact over the other distributions.

Some time ago this kind of work was done to add flexibility to the
> documents gvSIG supports from the initial view/table/layout to add
> support for 3D documents (3d view and animation). Besides 3D, this work
> was nicely used at other developments (as the publishing extension)
> proving that the decision was perfectly right.
For example, if you find a panel that is not well displayed on Mac,
> probably will be because the layout management of it is not well done.
> Do you think is better to just hack it to work on Mac right now or just
> improve it to the benefit of all the other platforms (present of
> future). I know it's more work, but the point here is doing the thing
> right or quick?
As I said to you we will need to change some dialog types, and maybe we have
to do changes that are sensible to other distributions. Where we can avoid
to branch, we won't branch. And be sure that if we find a bug and is in our
hand to send a patch we will do it. In fact we are sending patches already.

I think the real point is, in a short term (gvSIG 1.x), to have a
distribution fully usable in Mac (yes, hacking code and whatever). And in a
mid-long term (for gvSIG 2.x) to have a fully integrated and official Mac
version.  IMHO is a waste of time (of our spare time :) ) to do all this
work in 1.x version.

The other point is that right now we are only two developers willing to
collaborate, Rafa and me. So we think our target in a short term is to get a
full usable version of gvSIG 1.x. The more developers join us, the better we
can do this work.

Well my personal opinion is that OSOR wiki is quite crappy. I would
> recommend you to use Sphinx[1] so you write all your documentation in
> reStructuredText (wich is a great markup language). You can maintain all
> the docs at the SVN and then rsync the generated HTML to the static
> upload area of the project.
Jorge you know I don't like osor too, If I proposed to use osor is to give a
consistency with the rest of the project. There are a bunch of wiki
frameworks and repository options that we can utilize, but it makes sense to
do it in osor, or in the gvSIG plone. In fact you know I prefer to move to
git, and this is not possible in osor. Anyway I will take a look to Sphinx.

I am agree with you to use RST.

> This is the way a lot of projects are moving their documentation systems
> (mapserver, geoserver, mapproxy, etc.) and you maintain the markup so
> uploading the documents in the future to the gvSIG portal would be
> easier.
> For the georesources project we did that[2][3] until we had the portal
> space and moving the docs was quick and easy[4].
> Best regards
Finally, I want to encourage all the mac developers reading this thread to
join us. Come on!


Jordi Torres Fabra

gvSIG 3D blog
Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial
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