[Gvsig_english] Help for beginner and I hope future developer

anais.arrault at laposte.net anais.arrault at laposte.net
Wed Mar 16 22:01:24 CET 2016


my name is Anaïs, I'm French. 
I just know GvSIG, it's very good! 
At university, we use QGis. I have a problem and looking on internet I saw that solution is to use GvSIG. 

I explain my problem. 
I have a points layer and a line layer. There's only one line. 
I want create segments on my line with my points layer. 
I used "snap point to layer" to put my points layer exactly on the line. 

My first question : How it works? Perpendicular line then intersection between lines? 

Then, I tried to use "split line with point layer" but I have an error and I don't know why? 
The message say : "File not found. segment.shp Do you want to locate the file?" 
Does somebody help me? 


PS : Sorry, I have to work my english. Work with you can help if you accept! 

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