Hi all,<br><br>I've some remarks with the WFS service loading a WFS layer (e.g. "ParticelleCatasto" from <a href="http://webgis.regione.sardegna.it/geoserver/wfs?version=1.1.0">http://webgis.regione.sardegna.it/geoserver/wfs?version=1.1.0</a>), using the "Filter by area" function.<br>
<br>I loaded the objects in the map extent from WFS layer "ParticelleCatasto", saved a gvl legend and saved a project. After that I re-opened the project and I found that the layer was loaded correctly in the TOC but not in map; besides if I reload the WFS theme I must reload the legend as well.<br>
Another thing that I don't like too much: after a pan action I need to reload both the WFS layer (active map function) and the relative legend.<br><br>I hope that in the 2.0 release or in the next the <span class="clickable" onclick="dr4sdgryt(event,"Ox")"><span class="hg"><span class="hw">behaviour</span> will be improved.<br>