Dear List,<br><br>SEXTANTE offers a lot of different methods for cost-analysis issues. I'm especially interested in anisotropic analysis and there are 2 methods for it: A and B. B lets you enter some values for difference and factor into a table. What does this exactly mean? If I want to create cost layers, where the cost of a walking traveller is accumulated following a rule, that it's easier going downhill (until a limit value, which marks the slope where going downhill also becomes harder than walking on a flat plane) than uphill, can I just enter values for every difference in height that is travelled? Can the difference column for example be equal to the height-difference and the related factor value to the amount of energy that is used to travel this height difference (or slope)? I'm sorry im new to this subject, i've read some articles about the theory but nobody really mentions which programs he uses, so I dont't really know where to start.<br>
<br>If my idea about this method is right until now, could I fill the list as in the following? (the values are fictional)<br><br>difference (in height) -5 factor 5 <br>difference (in height) -2 factor 3 <br>difference (in height) 0 factor 4 <br>
difference (in height) 3<br>