Local German server (bavaria) http://deutschlandviewer.bayern.de/ogc/getogc.cgi?request=getcapabilities IE: getogc.cgi WM: no connection Java: no error popup, but no display either -- only one selectable box without description (no srs, no image-type, no layers) LOG: DEBUG [Thread-9] - Opening stream for: http://deutschlandviewer.bayern.de/ogc/getogc.cgi?request=getcapabilities&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&&EXCEPTIONS=XML DEBUG [Thread-9] - Read: 1230 bytes. DEBUG [Thread-9] - Read: 2904 bytes. DEBUG [Thread-9] - Read: 1452 bytes. DEBUG [Thread-9] - Read: 1452 bytes. DEBUG [Thread-9] - Read: 1452 bytes. DEBUG [Thread-9] - Read: 3209 bytes. DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] - getCacheFileForUrl returns: C:\Users\f4c0r\gvSIGMobileCache\wms\66628e12769dc1eca081aad16a024411.cap DEBUG [Thread-10] - Downloading to FILE this url: http://deutschlandviewer.bayern.de/ogc/getogc.cgi?request=getcapabilities&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&EXCEPTIONS=XML DEBUG [Thread-10] - Destination path is: C:\Users\f4c0r\gvSIGMobileCache\wms\66628e12769dc1eca081aad16a024411.cap DEBUG [Thread-10] - Getting file: File does not exist... DEBUG [Thread-10] - Parent existed! DEBUG [Thread-10] - Opening stream... DEBUG [Thread-10] - Opening stream... done DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] - PHONEME - kxmlParser.nextTag(); ERROR [AWT-EventQueue-0] - Parser exception: expected: START_TAG {null}WMT_MS_Capabilities (position:START_TAG @2:562 in java.io.InputStreamReader@2bd3a) DEBUG [AWT-EventQueue-0] - Root layer has no SRS array. Those of its first-level children will be added...