[Gvsig_desarrolladores] geoserver

michael gould gould en lsi.uji.es
Dom Jun 12 23:26:07 CEST 2005

Hi Fran,

Te paso este mensaje, indicando el posible futuro de Geoserver, al que creo
que gvSIG debe aspirar ser el cliente por defecto...

Verás, un plan para plug-ins, mayor fincionalidad sobre postgis, etc.


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2005 16:43:31 -0400
From: Chris Holmes <cholmes en openplans.org>
Subject: Re: [Geowanking] open gis, open web, and google
To: geowanking en lists.burri.to, Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell en shaw.ca>
Message-ID: <1118522611.42ab4cf3e9ec3 en webmail.limegroup.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Do you have ideas on how to pull off this long term goal?  It sounds
interesting and powerful for sure.  We're planning a re-architecture of
GeoServer that should hopefully make plugging in analysis tools like this a
lot easier, indeed all the postgis type ops could be easily wrapped in SOAP
and/or XMLRPC and given their own interfaces.

Already using GeoServer WFS you can do just about any operation on a single
layer, there are full spatial filters (intersect, distance within, contains,
ect.) and we recently added a host of 'functions', like min, area, buffer,
union, pointN, strSubstring ect.  The spatial ones are built on JTS (which
is the Java simple feature library that GEOS is the C port of, which PostGIS
makes use of for its geometry calculations).  It is definitely limited
because it is only against a single layer at a time, but there is still a
good bit of power.  The filters and functions can also be used in
combination with the Style Layer Description language to define
visualizations reflecting the results of the filters.

Of course the gui side is a whole other story, but the US FGDC and a few
others seem to be into this 'portlet' concept, which might pan out, you
could define a little gui tool for each operation or something.  The new
geodata.gov portal is supposedly being designed with portlets, and they hope
to make communities of gui functionality.  I'm not incredibly convinced it
will pan out, a bit too java focused, and government initiated, but it may
be a start.  I think a good web gui is the real challenge for this stuff, as
like you point out, the backend side is pretty close.  But this also all
depends on open data - since people could probably just run their analysis
backwards on the results of a web service and get at the original data.


Quoting Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell en shaw.ca>:

> I think we're close though.  If you've got data in PostGIS (or at 
> least accessible through an API with GEOS) then you can start to do 
> all the funky analysis you need.  Couple that with an innovative web 
> interface to setup jobs, run analysis and visualise the results -- 
> then I'd say your getting pretty close to the ideal.
> This is my longer term goal -- put the power of geometric operations 
> into an easy to use GUI, coupled with a web map.
> I'll stop my ranting...
> Tyler

Michael Gould
Department of Information Systems (LSI)
Universitat Jaume I, 12071 Castellón Spain
E-mail: gould (at) lsi.uji.es

-----Mensaje original-----
De: gvsig_desarrolladores-bounces en runas.cap.gva.es
[mailto:gvsig_desarrolladores-bounces en runas.cap.gva.es] En nombre de
Francisco José Peñarrubia
Enviado el: jueves, 12 de mayo de 2005 9:47
Para: desarrolladores de gvSIG, el SIG libre y multiplataforma de la
Generalitat Valenciana
Asunto: Re: [Gvsig_desarrolladores] gvSIG y GML

Hola Gabriel.

Gracias por los consejos, lo tendremos en cuenta.

¿Para cuándo estimas que estará listo este sistema de crear Geometries?. Es 
muy interesante.


Francisco José Peñarrubia

Salamanca, 50
46005 Valencia
Tel: 963163400

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gabriel Roldán" <groldan en axios.es>
To: "desarrolladores de gvSIG,el SIG libre y multiplataforma de la 
Generalitat Valenciana" <gvsig_desarrolladores en runas.cap.gva.es>
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Gvsig_desarrolladores] gvSIG y GML

Vicente Caballero wrote:

Hola vicente,

> ...ya que todavía se esta estudiando si interesa utilizar geotools para 
> acceder a WFS o crear nuestro propio driver.

con respecto a esto creo que valdría la pena estar atento a una
característica que se está terminando de implementar en geotools y que
son "hints" para las factories. Básicamente se trata de flexibilizar un
poco la búsqueda implementaciones de factories en general (que se
utilizan extensamente en geotools) pasándole parámetros personalizados
al FactoryFinder.

De esta forma, podrías uilizar el WFSDataStore de geotools y especificar
una GeometryFactory  cuyas geometrías implementen una interfaz propia
(supongamos, IGeometry, no sé qué se utiliza en gvSig, pero que valga el

Esto te permitiría varias cosas: utilizar el framework xm + el parser
gml de geotools, que es el único hasta donde yo sé que es "streamed" (el
de Galdos por ejemplo se basa en DOM). Por tanto, tener acceso a WFS
sería solo una cuestión de implementar un GeometryFactory (e incluso un
CoodinateSequenceFactory), que te evite el paso extra de convertir las
geometrías JTS a las que usa gvSig, así como utilizar la estrategia de
empaquetado de coordenadas que desees, ya sea como float[], double[],
Coordinate[], etc.

bue, espero que esto ayude a no reinventar la rueda si se puede evitar,
tal vez valga la pena dedicarle un par de horas para investigarlo un
poco más a fondo, ya q tampoco soy un experto, pero no dudes en
consultar a la lista de geotools.


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