[Gvsig_english] Re: [Freegis-list] gvSIG v0.4.1 available.

Luis W. Sevilla sevilla_lui at gva.es
Thu Oct 27 19:54:41 CEST 2005

Hi Frank!
Frank Warmerdam wrote:

>I was quite excited to see the above announcement and downloaded
>the update.  It applied nicely on Linux.
>I am now able to load data from the WCS server that was giving me
>problems.  However, if I look at the WCS properties dialog, I just
>see the following error.
this has being solved this morning (thanks to your report) we'll do 
another bug correction release
ASAP with it.

>Also, the image data is bathymetry + elevation data for the world
>but the display shows all the land areas in black.  I am guessing
>this has something to do with the way the signed 16bit integer
>GeoTIFF is being scaled.  Looking at the "Enhance" tab in the
>raster properties, it seems that "direct linear" is in force with "0"
>clipping.   But it doesn't indicate what actual values are being
>used for the clipping.  It would be nice to have more complete
>control over the scaling range.
It seems our approache to palette enhancement it's the problem. We're 
doing a statistical
sampling of  the view, and seems that with some type of data needs 
another algorythm
more suitable for this.
By the way, if you does a zoom over a region of the planet with no sea 
(or very few) portion,
you´ll be able to see correctly the earth elevations.
And if you have over a 15-25 % sea on your zoom increasing the percent 
of queue clipping
must show you the elevations on the continents, too

>The server is:
>  http://maps.gdal.org/cgi-bin/mapserv_dem?
>A couple other nits:
> o I wish I could resize the raster properties dialogs so I could see the
>   whole filename in the Info tab.
    Wi'll see to add it. Even not being able to see it, you must double 
click on it and you can
select the whole text and copy it (Ctrl+C) to clipboard.

> o In english view mode, the "magnify +" icon has a tooltip with
>    an odd character in it that renders as "Zoom_M<box>s" for me.
For me saids 'Zoom In' ...

> o Also the hand icon has a tooltip that is "Zoom" when I think "Pan"
>   or "Roam" would be more appropriate.
Yes, Ill change it for next binary (and source too, of course) release.

Thanks for your interest and bug reporting!


  Luis W. Sevilla
  Responsable de desarrollo gvSIG en la / gvSIG development Chief at
  Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte
  Generalitat Valenciana
  Valencia - Spain

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