[Gvsig_english] Re: Compliling GvSIG to Mac OS X

Hugues Boussard hugues.boussard at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 14:36:14 CEST 2006

Hello maël,

after the creation of the different project, you have to launch the
different build.xml, right-click, "run...", "ant build" in this order :
1. andami
2. Coreplugin
3. FMap
4. gvSIG

see the readme.txt in the folder "gvSIG-0_6-rc2-src"

hugues boussard
INRA - Sad Paysage

2006/4/5, "[Jaudy] Maël REBOUX" <mael.reboux at jaudy-guindy-bizien.org>:
> Hello Mija.
> I did what you told to me, thanks for your advises :
> 1/ unzip sources
> 2/ put the folder "gvSIG-0_6-rc2-src" at an appropriate place
> (considered as the workspace by default)
> 3/ Open Eclipse
> - menu : "File / Switch Workspace"
> - choose the folder "gvSIG-0_6-rc2-src"
> Eclipse shut down then restart
> 4 / What's next now ?
> I built all the projects
> There is a lot of errors
> I tried to launch the "appgvSIV" project
> I saw the logo then it crashed...
> => see also the pdf attached below...
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