Asunto: [Gvsig_english] Re: Compliling GvSIG to Mac OS X

hoanqui at hoanqui at
Thu Apr 6 15:28:34 CEST 2006


>4 / What's next now ?
>I built all the projects
>There is a lot of errors

Those are only warnings - don't worry too much about them :).
In your screenshots there seem to be real errors on libIverUtiles; but as
far as I know that project isn't necessary for the main gvSIG app.

>I tried to launch the "appgvSIV" project
>I saw the logo then it crashed...

Your main problem is that you haven't read the README! :)

It's located on the root directory you downloaded (gvSIG-0_6-rc2-src).
It's a bit outdated but I've been told that it will be soon updated. 
Anyway: in the readme you're told that the sequence you must follow is:
run fwAndami's build.xml (with Ant), 
then the same with libCorePlugin,
then the same with libFMap,
and then the same with appgvSIG.
You can do that with Eclipse's "Run external tools". And in fact you surely
already have the necessary configurations to do so (since you are using the
whole provided workspace). So use the four needed options from the 7th button
in the buttonbar (the green "play" button with a little red toolbox), in
the specified order, so each xml file is run.

Finally, run the Launcher, which is in the fwAndami project. You have to
provide the right args, as the Readme explains. And anyway you also have
the needed configuration in the provided workspace. So press the 6th button
in the buttonbar, and off you go.

NOTE: there's NO need to modify anything. I've NOT needed to, at least; I
can build those 4 main projects and run the resulting app with both 1.4 and
1.5 JVMs. Anyway, the official word seems to be that we should use 1.4, so
I'd recommend to select 1.4 as the default JVM in Eclipse's Preferences->
Java -> Installed JREs.

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