[Gvsig_english] again about batch processing

alvaro zabala alvaro.zabala at juntadeandalucia.es
Tue Jul 3 11:56:32 CEST 2007

you have a tutorial of gvSIG scripting capabilities.

Its not a command-line shell, but you can create scripts and exchange 
them without recompiling ...
I think the scripting library used allows to use a command line shell 
(but Im not sure). If not, I think project-sigle people have done an 
extension for that (but Im not sure).

|I know Java is not the best solution to do it, beacuse of the long 
virtual machine start-up times, but I would like to give it a try...

I dont agree. Java is used in a lot of servers environments with 
requeriments of high responsiveness.

Best Regards

G. Allegri escribió:
> Hi everyone,
> some weeks ago I asked about the possibility to use gvsig+sextante 
> through command line, and I was answered that it's not possibile by 
> now. Yesterday I read the foss4g2007 presentation* of sextante for 
> gvsig extension, where there was this sentence instead:
> "Extensions can be run from the gvSIG GUI using a toolbox-like 
> interface, and also from a command-line shell."
> Couls someone tell me more about it? I would need to use it to run 
> automated and batch geoprocessing.
> Thanks.
> --
> Giovanni A.
> Centro di Geotecnologie
> www.geotecnologie.unisi.it <http://www.geotecnologie.unisi.it>
> Università degli Studi di Siena
> Italy
> * http://www.foss4g2007.org/presentations/view.php?abstract_id=123
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