[Gvsig_english] Geocodification in gvSIG

Miguel Montesinos mmontesinos at prodevelop.es
Fri Jul 6 13:42:18 CEST 2007


we are starting the development of a new module aimed at offering normalization and geocodification capabilities in gvSIG.

The addressing system varies in every country. We would like to know the different addressing systems used in your countries in order to cover as many addressing systems as possible.

Could you please send me the addressing system of your country, as well as several examples.

As a sample, in Spain our addressing system is the following one:

1) - Street type (e.g. calle -street-, avenida -avenue-, ...).
   - Street name (e.g. Blasco Ibáñez).
   - Number (e.g. 60, 15bis, ...).
   - Postal Code (5 digits, e.g. 46010), where postal code follows the format PPLLL
      * PP: Province code.
      * LLL: Neighbourhood or village.
   - Town / village.
   - Example: Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 60 46010 Valencia.

2) - Road name (e.g. carretera -road- Valencia a Pinedo, autovía -highway-, ...) / Road code.
   - Milestone (e.g. km. 3,5).
   - Examples:
         * Carretera Valencia a Pinedo, Km 3,5.
         * A3, Km. 7.

Hope we'll be able to cover all your systems and get a good geocodification engine.

Thanks for your collaboration,

Miguel Montesinos
Technical Manager
C/ Conde Salvatierra, 34 - 10
46004 Valencia. Spain
e-mail: mmontesinos at prodevelop.es
Tlf: +34 963510612

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