[Gvsig_english] WMS connection header

jaume domí­nguez faus jaume.dominguez at iver.es
Thu Jul 19 13:58:21 CEST 2007

Well, that would be an http server issue... maybe other users will give 
you better information than me, but you have to keep in mind that what 
you are willing is not part of the WMS specs. Authentication is not 
supported by WMS (at least these are my last news). The Degree guys have 
developed a proxy service that fits in the middle of the server and the 
client and performs exactly what you want. The problem is that gvSIG 
does not have a client for such service and you would be required to 
develop it (and share it ;-) ).

Other thing that comes into my mind is to have the access granted via IP 
address or IP masks in the Apache conf rather than user and password, 
but... it still being a very weak security.

Or to play with network possibilities (more than one server accessed via 
firewall rules)...

Or, if you finally chose to implement an authentication process by 
yourself, then one option is:
1. implement the "proxy" client for your ASP script
2. when the user has been accepted, make the Capabilities document to 
add the user/password values in the "onlineResources" attribute (i.e.: 
for each operation.
3. use the MapServer support for these two arguments (you'll need to 
dive into the MapServer's documentation for it).

Looks like you have a lot of work to do! Please, let us know how do you 
deal with it.


rndbrb at libero.it wrote:
> Certainly it's a good idea. 
> I can have for example two map files each rappresenting geografic data and table attributes that can be seen by
> a single user or by a group of users of department.
> Each map file can have it's own acl (access control list) in an operating system like Ubuntu for example. 
> In this case i could give the access rights for every operating system user.
> Anyway the question is now: only local users can use this system? Is there a way to  map a web user onto local users ?
> Raimondo Barbieri
> Progetto Podis 
> Regione Basilicata
> Tel. 0971 575253
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