[Gvsig_english] Geoprocessing Functions::Proximity::Buffer::Problem with dissolved buffer features

Wolfgang Qual wolfgang.qual at gmx.net
Wed Mar 7 13:49:45 CET 2007

Hi list,
another test that produced the error message: Result layer empty...:
I created a buffer feature around some buildings with 30m distance. When 
activating the dissolve option within the buffer-dialogue, the buffer is not 
created and the error message appears.
If I deactivate the dissolve-option, the buffer is created. Therefore, I 
thought it should be possible to use the "Dissolve"-Geoprocessing tool to 
dissolve the boundaries in a second step, but gvSIG only gives me the already 
memorised (haha) error message (the buffer elements are overlapping very 
often- could this be a problem?).


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