[Gvsig_english] errors when running gvSIG on Linux

César Martínez Izquierdo cesar.martinez at iver.es
Fri May 11 08:54:32 CEST 2007

jaume dominguez faus wrote:
> Hi Tim, the Java Virtual Machine you are using is missing JAI (Java
> Advanced Imaging) library. This may be due to you choosed the "use an
> existing JVM" option in the installation and your JVM does not include
> JAI (which is the default for standard JVM). And more over, if you are
> using a brand new instllation of your feisty probably the JVM you are
> using is not the one recommended to run gvSIG.
> Please, in a console run the command:
> java -version

Well, java -version is not the best method to check the version used in
gvSIG, as gvSIG will use the one we defined during installation (which
may differ from the one defined in the PATH).
The gvSIG log reports the real version used by gvSIG, so it's the right
place to check.
In your case, Tim, you are using 1.5.0, so you should switch to 1.4.2.


César Martínez Izquierdo
Equipo de desarrollo gvSIG

C/ Salamanca 50
46005 Valencia - Spain

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