[Gvsig_english] GPS-data and gvSIG::how to import?

Wolfgang Qual Wolfgang.Qual at gmx.net
Fri Nov 30 09:49:42 CET 2007

Hi list,
a colleague of mine has some gps-data, which he would like to feed into gvSIG. To my knowledge, currently there is no such extension available,which would enable the user to import data from a gps-device. I told him to use gpsbabel first (to translate the gps-file into a textfile) and then import that textfile as a new event theme. However, I would appreciate it very much,if you could directly do all import tasks within gvSIG (and yes, I remember the presentation of that open streetmap project at the user conference - what is the status, what's the exact target of that project?).
Given that there will be such an extension in the future: what data will it probably be able to import (there are so many different gps devices with different formats)? Will there be the possibility to import not only point data, but also route-data (lines?).
Well, I am not using gps on my own, but I think that it's an interesting topic.

Greetings from Munich,
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