[Gvsig_english] 3 year doctoral grant: georesource discovery

michael gould gould at lsi.uji.es
Wed Aug 27 13:25:26 CEST 2008

Please pass on this announcement to suitable candidates. Thanks and pardon if you this is off-topic.


Geoinfo Group, Centre for Interactive Visualization (Cevi)
Department of Information Systems
University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.

Research to be conducted on the topic (exact dissertation title to be determined): “geo-resource discovery for virtual globes”

Keywords: metadata, information retrieval, geoindexing, data wrapping, multidimensional data, standards, open software

…while participating in 2 related R+D projects in the field of Virtual Globes and Spatial Data Infrastructures.

Starting date: immediately

The doctoral candidate should possess a relevant diploma and will study the ERASMUS MUNDUS-funded Master in Geospatial Technologies (2 semestres in Castellón and 1 semestre in Münster Germany). Upon completion of the Master, the candidate will extend the work done on the Masters project to develop a complete PhD thesis during the next 18 months.

The stipend will be approximately €1000/month plus waiver of academic fees during the first 18 months, €1200 thereafter. (Shared apartments in Castellón are about €200/month/person; beach rentals possible).

Master coursework, publication and thesis language: English. Knowledge of Spanish an obvious advantage.

Master:  http://geotech.ifgi.info/

Interested candidates should contact me directly.

Michael Gould
Dept. Information Systems (LSI)
Universitat Jaume I, 12071 Castellón, Spain.
email: gould (at) lsi.uji.es


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