[Gvsig_english] FW: gvSIG mobile: image support "Could not createlayer"

Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio jldominguez at prodevelop.es
Thu Dec 18 09:12:40 CET 2008

Hello, Klaus:
gvSIG Mobile supports JPG, PNG and GIF (all of them with a 6-parameter world file) and ECW. For JPG, PNG and GIF, you can only load small images (< 500,000 pixels) because these formats need a lot of physical memory which is not available in a pocket PC/smartphone. Your images are probably larger than that, so you will have to use the gdal_translate utility available from http://fwtools.maptools.org :
gdal_translate -of ecw image.jpg image.ecw
(the file image.wld or image.jpw must be in the same folder)
Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/> 


De: gvsig_internacional-bounces at runas.cap.gva.es en nombre de Mithoefer, Klaus
Enviado el: jue 18/12/2008 7:27
Para: gvsig_internacional at runas.cap.gva.es
Asunto: [Gvsig_english] FW: gvSIG mobile: image support "Could not createlayer"

Dear All,

I just try gvSIG Mobile and have problems getting an image layer loaded. I tried jpeg and img, images I used in gvSIG desktop. The Jpeg is correctly imported to my pocket pc, I can open it in a picture viewer. But in gvSIG mobile I get the message "Could not create layer". Does anybody have a solution for that?

Thanks and best regards,


Klaus Mithöfer
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Officer
icipe - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
P.O. Box 30772 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254-20-8632000, Extn. 2147
Fax: +254-20-8632001/2
Mobile: +254-724-308404
E-Mail: kmithoefer at icipe.org
web: www.icipe.org

This position is supported by German development cooperation //
Centre for international Migration and Development - http://www.cimonline.de/en/index.asp

Klaus.mithoefer at cimonline.de

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