[Gvsig_english] gvSIG for forest GIS

Victor Olaya volaya at unex.es
Tue Feb 26 08:48:53 CET 2008


As Luis said, SEXTANTE has been developed at the Faculty of Forestry
Engineering (me myself,  am a forest engineer too), and originally conceived
to be use by forest managers here. However, most of the elements included in
SEXTANTE can be used in other fields, and that is why SEXTANTE has become
popular in many other areas and is now know as an all-purpose tool for
geographical analysis, rather than something exclusively geared towards
forestry professionals.

There is an extension that we have not released yet, which integrates forest
inventory, timber management and stand modelling into gvSIG. We still have
to work a lot on it, but it already has some interesting features that I am
sure you will like to see. I'll show it to you next week, along with the
"main" elements of SEXTANTE ;-)



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