[Gvsig_english] can't correctly load the attached shapefile

Antonio Falciano afalciano at yahoo.it
Mon Jan 14 16:15:06 CET 2008

enrico chiaradia ha scritto:
> hi to the list!
> I'm a new user of gvSig.
> I experienced this problem: if I try to load the shapefile that I
> attached to the mail (.zip file format), it is not visible in the view
> but no error message appears.
> In the TOC, the layer legend is empty but I can open the associated
> table correctly.
> Could that depend from a new non-standard shapefile format? Other gis
> tools like Mapwindow, can open the same file correctly.
> Thanks in advance!

Hi Enrico,
I can't load successfully your layer geometries in gvSIG too.
Here's a copy of your shp exported by openjump and loadable in gvSIG.


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Url : http://runas.cap.gva.es/pipermail/gvsig_internacional/attachments/20080114/b8cc367f/canale_oj-0001.obj

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