[Gvsig_english] Re: projection problem with wgs 84 and LAMBERT II

Sergio Clark sergio.clark at iver.es
Thu Jul 24 12:37:43 CEST 2008

Hi Charlotte,

I think the problem is that you've not selected any 'EPSG 
Transformation' between both CRS 4326 and 27582 (you should do that when 
adding your 4326 layer in order to do a precise reprojection).

In fact, I've tried doing that but I'm afraid it doesn't exist this 
transformation within the EPSG database which uses gvSIG. So, one 
solution could be choose 'Manual Transformation' option, but you need to 
know and introduce the transformation parameters between both CRS.



Charlotte Declercq escribió:
> Sorry I explain more : the 2 layers should superpose and yet they are 
> 20km far away from each other.
> Charlotte Declercq a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I am having a problem to integrate two layers from different 
>> projections:
>> My map is in EPSG 27582.
>> First layer in EPSG 27582 (when I choose current projection while 
>> adding the layer). This layer is in DARK GREEN on the picture.
>> The second layer is in EPSG 4326 (WGS84). This layer is in LIGHT 
>> GREEN on the picture.
>> And here is what it looks like :  (see image linked)Image gvsig
>> It is very embarassing because all our data are in Lambert II and 
>> with need some data from the gps too.
>> If someone could help on this, it will be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
>> Charlotte DECLERCQ
>> Ingénieur R&D SIG
>> 1, rue du Chêne Morand
>> 35 510 Cesson-Sévigné
>> Bur: + 33 (0) 2 99 22 25 70
>> fax : + 33 (0) 2 99 32 12 76
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Sergio Clark
Equipo gvSIG

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