[Gvsig_english] gvSIG update version 1.1.2 is available

Diego Guidi diegoguidi at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 16:29:29 CET 2008

>  Please, ensure that JDK 1.5.x is installed in your system (just JRE is
>  not enough), AND that JAI and Java Image I/O libraries are installed on
>  that JDK, AND ensure that the JDK is selected in Eclipse (by default, it
>  uses the JRE in some situations). You can find that in Windows =>
>  Preferences => Java => Installed JREs.
>  And keep in mind that these settings are stored in the workspace, not in
>  the system-wide eclipse preferences. So if you unzip the gvSIG source
>  code again, you must set these preferences again.
All this configs are looking OK in my system, but as example the first
project _fvAndami not compiles becauses gvsig_i18n and iver-utiles
jars are missing :( I've compiled gvSIG 1.1.1 without any kind of
these problems...

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