[Gvsig_english] Projection management

Luis W. Sevilla sevilla_lui at gva.es
Sun Mar 30 11:30:55 CEST 2008

Hi Marcus
Marcus C. England wrote:

> I've discovered I can overlay the UTM vector data on the WGS 84 raster
> if the workspace is in WGS 84, but I can NOT do it if the workspace is
> in UTM.
> Why is that?

Currently gvSIG doesn't reproject raster data. It's under development,
and we'll see it in next versions, but not too soon.
If you need this raster reprojection you may try two approaches:
    - use gdalwarp. to generate a reprojected raster file.
    - use mapserver. You only need to serve your files localy and
mapserver will do the reprojection  'on the fly' for you.

hope it helps. greetings

> I would prefer that the map be in UTM coordinates.
> -Marcus

  Luis W. Sevilla Muelas
  Director Técnico proyecto gvSIG/gvSIG project Technical Manager
  Conselleria de Infraestructures i Transport
  Generalitat Valenciana
  Valencia - Spain
  tno: +34 9638 69 674

The secret to programming is not intelligence, though of course that helps. It is not hard work or experience, though they help, too. The secret to programming is having smart friends. (Ron Avitzur)

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