[Gvsig_english] Problem in WGS 84 to UTM SAD 69 transformation

Evemar Wernick evemar at paranacidade.org.br
Fri Oct 10 15:50:23 CEST 2008


That was it: I just have installed the update 1_1_2 and it worked fine!

Thank you very much for you help.

BTW: May I ask you if you are a gvsig developer?
We are developing a scholar bus routing project and we are planning to 
use gvSIG in Parana State's municipalities.
I think it would be a good case study to relate. I would like to send 
that relates to gvSIG team.


Evemar Wernick escreveu:
> Hi, Javier
> Those are the steps I've already tried but I tried it again - and it 
> does't work.
> Please see my attached data.
> Maybe could be some instalation or version problem... I don't know.
> Currently, I'm using the "gvsig-1_1-windows-i586-withjre" (in the 
> help/about: version 1.1 build 1015, java 1.5.0_12). I will try to 
> install the update 1_1_2 and some tests...
> What version are you using?
> Thank for your answer and for the EPSG information.
> Regards,
> Evemar
> Javier Galán escreveu:
>> Hi Evemar,
>> I tried to transform and it works fine for me, I'll tell what I did
>> 1. Open a new view with EPSG:4326
>> 2. Add the shape "barracao_original_gps_wgs84"
>> 3. Open geoprocessing
>> 4. at Destiny projection select Epsg :29192  select EPSG 
>> transformation  1877
>> 5. Open a new view with EPSG:2919 add the arcgis an the new one
>> May be you omitted any step.
>> I attach the data transformed with gvSIG.
>> Regards
>> Evemar Wernick escribió:
>>> Hi, Javier.
>>> Thanks again for your help and patience...
>>> I've tried both 29172 and 29192 (for 1, 4, 14 epsg transformation, 
>>> and no transformation), but it doesn't work.
>>> The EPSG:29172 doesn't fit.
>>> The EPSG 29182/29192 have precisions about 80-100 meters.
>>> It's very strange because I compared the results of transformation 
>>> from EPSG:4326 to:
>>> - barracao_EPSG_4326_29182_1.shp
>>> - barracao_EPSG_4326_29182_4.shp
>>> - barracao_EPSG_4326_29182_14.shp
>>> - barracao_EPSG_4326_29182_no_transformation.shp
>>> - barracao_EPSG_4326_29192_1.shp
>>> - barracao_EPSG_4326_29192_4.shp
>>> - barracao_EPSG_4326_29192_14.shp
>>> - barracao_EPSG_4326_29192_no_transformation.shp
>>> and all of them are in the same position (without any displacement).
>>> I think gvSIG isn't using parameters in transformation...
>>> By the way, how did you find the definition and paramenters of the 
>>> EPSG codes?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Evemar
>>> Javier Galán escreveu:
>>>> Hi Evermar,
>>>> Seeing the parameters I realized that it not the same definition 
>>>> for the epsg and esri library.
>>>> The both, in epsg library, that has the same definition as you 
>>>> wrote are 29172/29192. I'm not sure if there's any difference 
>>>> between them, but i didn't see any.
>>>> May be that solve the problem.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Evemar Wernick escribió:
>>>>> Javier,
>>>>> Thanks for your answer. I didn't have noticed that using EPSG I 
>>>>> could set up transformations.
>>>>> Unfortunately, it didn't work. I tried to use the 3 
>>>>> transformations avaliable to Brasil (1, 4 and 14), and tried also 
>>>>> manually set up the parameters (to transformation (14): X= -66.87, 
>>>>> Y= 4.37, Z= -38.52) without success (all the result files are 
>>>>> always in the same position).
>>>>> I'm sending anexed the files used for the test and the results, 
>>>>> and below the process conversion that I've tried (works in ArcGIS 
>>>>> and not in gvSIG).
>>>>> *** Start ArcGIS process conversion ****
>>>>> In ArcGIS, I used the ArcToolBox’s Project tool:
>>>>> - Input Dataset or Feature Class: barracao_original_gps_wgs84.shp
>>>>> - Input Coordinate System (optional): GCS_WGS_1984  (code:4326)
>>>>> /Angular Unit: Degree (0,017453292519943299)
>>>>> Prime Meridian: Greenwich (0,000000000000000000)
>>>>> Datum: D_WGS_1984
>>>>>   Spheroid: WGS_1984
>>>>>     Semimajor Axis: 6378137,000000000000000000
>>>>>     Semiminor Axis: 6356752,314245179300000000
>>>>>     Inverse Flattening: 298,257223563000030000/
>>>>> - Output Dataset or Feature Class: 
>>>>> barracao_ArcGIS_SAD69_Project14.shp
>>>>> - Output Coordinate System: SAD_1969_UTM_Zone_22S  (code:29182)
>>>>> /Projection: Transverse_Mercator
>>>>> False_Easting: 500000,000000
>>>>> False_Northing: 10000000,000000
>>>>> Central_Meridian: -51,000000
>>>>> Scale_Factor: 0,999600
>>>>> Latitude_Of_Origin: 0,000000
>>>>> Linear Unit: Meter (1,000000)
>>>>> Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_South_American_1969
>>>>> Angular Unit: Degree (0,017453292519943299)
>>>>> Prime Meridian: Greenwich (0,000000000000000000)
>>>>> Datum: D_South_American_1969
>>>>>   Spheroid: GRS_1967_Truncated
>>>>>     Semimajor Axis: 6378160,000000000000000000
>>>>>     Semiminor Axis: 6356774,719195305400000000
>>>>>     Inverse Flattening: 298,250000000000000000/
>>>>> - Geographic Transformation (optional): SAD_1969_To_WGS_1984_14  
>>>>> (code:1548)
>>>>> /GEOGTRAN["SAD_1969_To_WGS_1984_14",GEOGCS["GCS_South_American_1969",DATUM["D_South_American_1969",SPHEROID["GRS_1967_Truncated",6378160.0,298.25]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],METHOD["Geocentric_Translation"],PARAMETER["X_Axis_Translation",-66.87],PARAMETER["Y_Axis_Translation",4.37],PARAMETER["Z_Axis_Translation",-38.52]] 
>>>>> /
>>>>> *** End ArcGIS process conversion ****
>>>>> *** Start gvSIG process conversion ****
>>>>> In gvSIG, I used Geoprocess toolbox’s Reproject:
>>>>> - Input Cover: barracao_original_gps_wgs84.shp
>>>>> - Source Projection: EPSG: 4326
>>>>> - Target Projection: EPSG: 29182
>>>>> - Select Transformation: EPSG transformation
>>>>> <Next>
>>>>> - Transformation code: 1548 SAD69 to WGS 84 (14)
>>>>> - Output Cover: barracao_gvSIG_SAD69_Project14.shp
>>>>> *** End gvSIG process conversion ****
>>>>> Please help. We are planning to use gvSIG in many governamental 
>>>>> projects and this conversion is fundamental.
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Evemar Wernick
>>>>> Brasil
>>>>> evemar at paranacidade.org.br
>>>>> Javier Galán escreveu:
>>>>>> Dear Eveman,
>>>>>> That happens because gvSIG don have a library to do 
>>>>>> transformation between ESRI definitions.
>>>>>> What you can do is put the view an data whit an EPSG definition, 
>>>>>> (I checked that the code is the same)
>>>>>> and then you can choose the EPSG transformation that better fits 
>>>>>> to your data.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Evemar escribió:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I'm facing a similar problem:
>>>>>>> I received some gps data in WGS 84 (ESRI:4326) coordinate system.
>>>>>>> When I reproject it to SAD 1969 UTM zone 22S (ESRI:29182) using 
>>>>>>> gvSIG, it
>>>>>>> doesn't fit correctly (difference ~100m)
>>>>>>> When I do the same using ESRI ArcCatalog, using the same 
>>>>>>> parameters except
>>>>>>> the "Geographic Transformation" (where I can choose 
>>>>>>> SAD_1969_To_WGS_1984_14
>>>>>>> - ESRI:1548), it fits nice.
>>>>>>> Someone knows how can I set those transformation parameters in 
>>>>>>> gvSIG? Is it
>>>>>>> possible?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Evemar
>>>>>>> Brasil
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