[Gvsig_english] cannot build gvsig

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 19:44:57 CET 2008

Hi to all.
Finally I've found some time to try building Gvsig from scratch. I've
setup the dev environment in Gvsig starting from downloading the
source code (trunk) with Subclipse. After that I've imported the
downloaded projects with the Import Projects Wizard.
I've imported only six folders:

I've done it with the Build Automatically flag on.
The build fails with:
Cannot find ../binaries/ant/utilities.xml imported from

It's very strange because the ../binaries/ant/utilities.xml file exists...

The red error icons propagate to libFMap and then _fwAndami.

Am I missing something in the workspace setup?
I'm using Eclipse 3.3.2 and Sun JRE 6


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