[Gvsig_english] jython bug in gvSIG Linux version

Leandro Leal Parente leal.parente at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 15:44:26 CEST 2009


I´m Leandro from Brazil. I use the gvSIG Linux version on Achlinux.

 In last week I needed to use the function toNumber() in Calculate
Expression to converting a String field to Integer field. When used this
function I received one error about jython.

To fix this error I imported the jython library, coping the file jython.jar
to gvSIG_1.1/lib. I needed to fix too the file gvSIG.sh adding
./lib/jython.jar in the gvSIG execution command.

After this I wasn't receive this error.

It's a bug ?

PS: Sorry for my english.
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