[Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.9beta (1237): could not load wms-layer
Javier Galán
galan_javsan at gva.es
Thu Jun 25 09:38:54 CEST 2009
Hi Wolfgang
I tried lo load a wms-layer, and It worked right to me. I'm not sure if
the problem could be related whit the projection.
Did you tried whit another services? could you send me the one that you
tried it?
Wolfgang Qual escribió:
> Hi list,
> I just installed the latest build of 1.9 beta and tried to load a
> wms-layer into my view (epsg 31468). However, nothing was drawn.
> Is the wms-service not working with the current version? The same wms
> workes with gvSIG 1.1.2! Please find enclosed a snippet from the logfile.
> Best,
> Wolfgang
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Javier Gal?n S?nchez
Proyecto gvSIG
Conseller?a de Infraestructuras y Transportes (GVA)
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