[Gvsig_english] Geocentric translation

Javier Galán galan_javsan at gva.es
Mon May 25 12:17:32 CEST 2009

Dear Karl:

You can install the jcrs extension an create e new crs starting of an 
existing one. May be you can chose the Kenya siten and modify to create 
you own.

Regards Javier

Tiller.Karl at nwsc.co.ug wrote:
> Dear Klaus,
> thanks for sending the entry form. However, I would prefer a solution 
> where the parameters are implemented in the definitions.
> The parameters are similar to the Kenyan ones, but slightly 
> different... We are using EPSG:21096.
> I added the following string in Postgis spatial_ref_sys table : 
> towgs84 = -160, -8, -300. This produces accurate results.
> By the way, the geocentric translation can not be carried out 
> correctly with ArcGIS for Uganda too.
> Karl
> *"Mithoefer, Klaus" <kmithoefer at icipe.org>*
> Sent by: gvsig_internacional-bounces at runas.cap.gva.es
> 25/05/2009 10:09
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> Subject
> 	RE: [Gvsig_english] Geocentric translation
> Hi Karl,
> So you have the parameters to transform the data manually?
> Greetings,
> Klaus
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* gvsig_internacional-bounces at runas.cap.gva.es 
> [mailto:gvsig_internacional-bounces at runas.cap.gva.es] *On Behalf Of 
> *Tiller.Karl at nwsc.co.ug*
> Sent:* Monday, May 25, 2009 09:25*
> To:* gvsig_internacional at runas.cap.gva.es*
> Subject:* [Gvsig_english] Geocentric translation
> Hello list members!
> I am using gvSIG 1.1.2 and actual builds to transform geoobjects from 
> the CRS EPSG:21096 (Clarke, used for Kenia, Tanzania and Uganda) to 
> EPSG: 4326. For this transformation I have to use the geocentric 
> paramaters. However the parameters for Uganda are not implemented in 
> the projection parameters, only Kenia and Tanszania are available.
> It seems to me that the proj.dll is used for the CRS-parameters. In 
> the WKT-Form it is defined as TOWGS85 with the parameters.
> Pls. advice how I can add the parameters for performing a right 
> trasnformation.
> Thanks
> Karl
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Javier Gal�n S�nchez
Proyecto gvSIG
Conseller�a de Infraestructuras y Transportes (GVA)
Valencia (Espa�a)

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