[Gvsig_english] Polygon Multi-partie in GvSIG 1.9
Fabien Guerreiro
fabien.guerreiro at educagri.fr
Fri Nov 20 16:17:31 CET 2009
First, sorry for my bad english.
I'm trying to make french support to GvSIG 1.9, like I did for ArcGis and
MapInfo, to help user to change SIG (like student, work with ArcGis in
ClassRoom and have to find a SIG when he go to training period).
I have two questions :
1 - Can I use the logo to put it on the first page**?
2 - Is someone can help me in one or two manipulations of the software :
For exemple, in GvSIG 1.2, there was a tool (Internal Polygon) witch can
make Multipartite polygons (I know, it was not the first use but it worked
like that !!).
In 1.9 it's not possible, the tool internal polygon works good to erase an
internal part of polygon and I have not more tool to make Multipart
**You can see the begining of the work on GvSIG in PDF,
and you can see terminated work for Mapinfo here
and ArcGis here
Kinds regards,
Ingénieur en géomatique / SIG (Systèmes d'Information Géographique)
AGROSUP Dijon - Institut Eduter, 2 rue champs-prévois, bâtiment
grand-champs, 21000 Dijon
tel : fax :
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