[Gvsig_english] 1.9 RC2 and Oracle 11g

Piero Cavalieri piero.cavalieri at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 11:07:04 CET 2009

Hi all,

I'm new to gvSIG (and Oracle too, having a MSSQL background ), and
wanted to try gvSIG with Oracle 11g Standard (with Spatial extension)
to make some (spatial) editing tests with this DB.

The Oracle extension is not loaded and in gvSIG logs:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IO
	at es.prodevelop.cit.gvsig.fmap.drivers.jdbc.oracle.OracleSpatialDriver.<clinit>(OracleSpatialDriver.java:176)
	... 21 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IO
	at com.iver.andami.plugins.PluginClassLoader.loadClass(PluginClassLoader.java:251)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
	at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
	at es.prodevelop.cit.gvsig.fmap.drivers.jdbc.oracle.OracleSpatialDriver.<clinit>(OracleSpatialDriver.java:173)
	... 21 more
Unable to instantiate ROWID (oracle jar missing?) : IO error:oracle.sql.ROWID
WARN AWT-EventQueue-1
es.prodevelop.cit.gvsig.jdbc_spatial.ExportOracleExtension -
WARN AWT-EventQueue-1
es.prodevelop.cit.gvsig.jdbc_spatial.ExportOracleExtension - * Oracle
JDBC library (ojdbc*.jar) not found. You need to copy that
WARN AWT-EventQueue-1
es.prodevelop.cit.gvsig.jdbc_spatial.ExportOracleExtension - * jar
file to gvSIG's main lib folder if you intend to access
WARN AWT-EventQueue-1
es.prodevelop.cit.gvsig.jdbc_spatial.ExportOracleExtension - * Oracle
Spatial/Locator databases.
WARN AWT-EventQueue-1
es.prodevelop.cit.gvsig.jdbc_spatial.ExportOracleExtension - * Read
gvSIG manual (Oracle driver section) for details.
WARN AWT-EventQueue-1
es.prodevelop.cit.gvsig.jdbc_spatial.ExportOracleExtension -

The jar file is in the right place


But, as Oracle reported in the jdbc READEME:

...Desupport of oracle.jdbc.driver...In every release
    since 9.0.1 we have encouraged customers to switch to oracle.jdbc
    and stated that oracle.jdbc.driver would be desupported. The time
    has come. Customer code that references oracle.jdbc.driver will
    not compile and will not execute in this and future releases of
    the Oracle JDBC drivers. Please use oracle.jdbc instead.

If it's "only" a namespace problem,is there any plan to adjust to the
correct namespace (or there are customers around which use versions
prior 9.01. ?)

Thanks in advance

Piero Cavalieri

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