[Gvsig_english] reprojection from epsg 4326 to 23030

Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio jldominguez at prodevelop.es
Wed Apr 7 23:24:40 CEST 2010

Hello, Manuel
We have seen sometimes problems when a new shapefile is created, if the original DBF file has null or corrupt or unexpected values. Perhaps the log files have some info about what is going on. Find the most recent log file under:
/ home / [user] / gvSIG /
and send it to the list in a zip file.
Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/> 


De: gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es en nombre de Manuel Seeger
Enviado el: mié 07/04/2010 13:10
Para: Users and Developers mailing list
Asunto: Re: [Gvsig_english] reprojection from epsg 4326 to 23030

Is this then a bug, or only a bug in my installation?


Enrique Lorenzo Herrero schrieb:
> Manuel:
> I can suggest a work around:
> - New view, in target EPSG 23030 (View properties).
> - Add the EPSG 4326 Shapefile. Choose the EPSG of the Shapefile while adding it, "With transformation" (seven paremeters, or better NTV2 grid).
> - Select the new layer and export it (Layer->Export to SHP).
> The new Shapefile will be projected, in the same way than reprojecting module.
> Enrique Lorenzo Herrero
> Técnico
> --------------------------------------
> Junta de Castilla y León
> Consejería de Agricultura y Ganadería
> --------------------------------------
> Valladolid
> España
> lorheren at itacyl.es
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es [mailto:gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es] En nombre de Manuel Seeger
> Enviado el: miércoles, 07 de abril de 2010 10:15
> Para: Users and Developers mailing list
> Asunto: [Gvsig_english] reprojection from epsg 4326 to 23030
> Hi all,
> I have a problem reprojecting a shapefile...
> when I try to do this, the module complains that the (target) shapefile
> is empty.
> I am using gvSIG 1.9 on ubuntu 9.10
> Any hint?
> Manuel

Dr. Manuel Seeger
Dept. of Land Degradation and Development
Wageningen University & Researchcenter
Postal address:
P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Visitors address:
Atlas building, Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 PB, room B415
phone:  + 31 317 486617
fax:    + 31 317 419000.

Gvsig_internacional mailing list
Gvsig_internacional at listserv.gva.es

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