[Gvsig_english] Can't open project

Joachim Bergerhoff joachim.bergerhoff at unhabitat-kosovo.org
Tue Dec 7 10:27:28 CET 2010

The project file contains vector, raster, custom attributes in only one
view.  I have not moved it nor edited any linked file in a different
programme.  At the beginning of the next session (after computer shut down
and restart the next day), when trying to open the project, I receive this
Error message: "Error opening the document: Municipality ProjectView"

A already had similar problems with less elaborated project files.  But then
it did not open at all and said the file was in a wrong format (although it
was unedited gvp created by gvSIG itself).



PS: can't attach log file or problematic project file because of 500 kb
message limit but can of course send them directly to anybody trying to
help.  Thanks
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