[Gvsig_english] moving and copying of points

Simon Cropper scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au
Thu Dec 16 06:32:27 CET 2010

On Thursday 16 December 2010 4:09:13 pm Klaus Schaefer wrote:
> I might be stupid but it doesn't work for me!
> There are two selection buttons (one with a white arrow in a red ground and
> one simple blue arrow [as well as several other selection otions]). Then
> there are the icons for the "action", like copy, move e.g.
> Which ones to klick in which sequence?
> Why not implement a simple classic drag and drop method like the rest of
> the world...?
> Best regards
> Klaus

Hi Klaus,

Lets go back to basics, just incase the file is corrupted.

1. Open a new project
2. Create a new view
3. Open the view.
4. Create a new shapefile - View > New Layer > New SHP 
5. When the new layer opens select point type, click next.
6. Add one field. use the default. Click next.
7. Save a file test to your default directory, for me the file 
    path is /home/simon/test.shp
8. Click finish.
9. The Table of Contents should have layer1 in red, 
     indicating the file is ready to edit.
10. Click on the small blue/yellow circle tool on the toolbar, 
      that toolbar hint says 'point'.
11. Click somewhere on the view. You should have a single point.
12. Save the file.
13. Use the 'clear selection' tool on the toolbar to deselect the point.

OK this is what you would have if you just started a file.

14. Open the SHP file for editing.
15. Click on the 'move' tool on the toolbar. 
16. Click on the single vertex you entered before. In the 
     command box you will see 'Insert point to move'
17. Select the point again. In the command box 
     it will state 'Insert second point for move'
18. Click somewhere else on the view to get the point to move.

As I said this is unintuitive and the behaviour varies 
between point, lines and polygons.

19. If you try and move it again, because it is already 
selected you need to click until you see 'Insert destination point'

Hope this works properly this time.

Cheers Simon

	Simon Cropper
	Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
	PO Box 160 Sunshine 3020
	P: 03 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437
	W: http://www.botanicusaustralia.com.au

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