[Gvsig_english] Cadastral data postgis database problem

Jan Zvonik jan.zvonik at geosense.cz
Wed Dec 29 08:36:44 CET 2010


we have been developing a "Cadastral Passport extension" for gvSIG, which
means database of cadastral parcel data and ownership.

The current database had been converted form proprietary Czech Cadastral
agency file format and data are stored in postgis DB. The numerical part of
DB consist of roughly 40 connected tables. We have run into an unexpected
problem when working with the database. The data for each querry amount to
some 5 MB but we found out that gvSIG sends request and reloads data each
time any operation is performed by the user (map zooming, database
querrying, filtering), which overloads the application and prevents
practical use of the exension.

The problem seems to be absence of caching driver within gvSIG application.

However, I am sure there are applications that use gvSIG, remote database
(Posgis or other) and work with fairly large amount of data that are
working. So I am asking for any possible help with this isssue. Is there any
possible workaround for us? Or at least reference to any other similar
database application under gvSIG would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance

Jan Zvonik
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