[Gvsig_english] Translation of the gvSIG documentation to English

Mario Carrera carrera_marrod at gva.es
Thu Jan 28 17:39:55 CET 2010

Dear all,

after the proposal of Simon Cropper for creating rough drafts of 
translations of the gvSIG documentation using, for example, Google 
Translator, we've considered it to advance with the English translation. 
Of course, some supervisors would check the translations to finish them.

We consider the English translation very important because it makes the 
documentation accessible for more people as well as make the translation 
to other languages easier.

Anyone willing to collaborate can mail me and we will give you a portal
user account (if you don't have one) and permissions over the English
translations group.

Best regards


Mario Carrera Rodríguez
Grupo SIG-CAD / gvSIG
Asistencia técnica externa
Servicio de Organización e Informática
Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport
Generalitat Valenciana
Valencia (España)
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